The worst client in the world…
Is me! Well, specifically I am my own worst client.
I am trying to design our wedding invites, Bob (an industrial designer) has worked out the format and folding and general concept, but now it’s up to me to illustrate and put it all together.
Our save the date cards were awesome and I am psyching myself out, thinking I won’t be able match the coolness.
Our Save the Dates:

Astred and Bob save the date cards
I screen printed these with my Gocco and plan to do something similar with the invites but in the meantime, I am procrastinating by trying to find the perfect envelope — which I can only find on American sites that don’t ship to Australia.
Once the invites are done, I then have to design the accompanying website — this is never ending! It’s only one bloody day and it’s taking so long to organise, who would have thought?
I read all these bride blogs thinking: “that’s not going to be me, I can do it in a month.” Na-ah! Think again. There is so much to do and plan and then because I am so bossy (I call it having a vision ;p) I’ve had to book dates to go outfit shopping with my Mum and suit shopping with my Dad.
At least I got to relax and think about invite designs during yoga last night, I know you’re meant to clear your mind but it was great. Focus on breathing and push everything else away and then let the ideas come – lovely!