Fabulous fabric
Today SNH and I decided not to go to the 50s Fair. We didn’t got last year and I was undecided this year until I heard about a vintage fabric sale being held today only. The sale was a selection from long time vintage enthusiast and dealer Sally Hammond’s collection. Sadly Sally passed away earlier this year and he son very generously offered other collectors a chance to own pieces from this mind-blowing treasure chest! My mind was made, we would go to the fabric sale and leave the 50s Fair to the crowds.
Little did I know that there would be crowds at this sale! Oh who am I kidding, I pretty much expected a crowd. But I thought the venue and lovely organisers at Bronte Sewing Room did a great job. We queued for around 10 mins, as one person left another person was allowed to enter. I had no problem with this as it moved quite quickly and it allowed me to spy on exiting persons booty-stuffed-bags (lots of fabric indicated good pricing, fabric that wasn’t my taste indicated there was going to be stuff left for me!) However minutes after I arrived and stood in the queue an older lady came up an enquired if we were all lining up to get in. After answering in the affirmative she proceed to not stand behind me but stand to my side and as we shuffled forward with each access exchange, she proceeded to shuffle forward of me. I was amazed! I know it’s not the end of the world, but I do like good manners and queuing is an art – so get in line honey! Even my unsubtle body blocks and steps in front of her did not seem to mean a thing, if anything they encouraged her to move further in front of me. All I could do was giggle to SNH at the absurdity.
Happily I was distracted by the arrival of our friend, Dragana, to whom we chat to merrily until we were at last granted entrance. SNH opted to stand outside and let me riffle through the stacks with Dragana (a skilled seamstress) fielding my questions as I picked up random pieces of lovely fabric. “Is this enough to make a dress?” “How about a little 60s top then?” “Can I make this pattern bigger to fit me? How much fabric will I need” Thank goodness she came! And thank you for kindly answering my many queries D, you were a huge help.
As I sorted through the first table one of the Bronte Sewing Room ladies approached me and suggested I may like the fabrics on the far table. She was most definitely right! Barkcloth, atomic print, curtains and 50s novetly prints danced in front of me as I giddily started amassing a stash, piling them high I could hardly see over them. It was crowded and people were riffling but everyone was on their very best behaviour. I even offered one of the pieces of fabric I was holding to a lady when she exclaimed that she loved it.

Purchase of the day: 2x 250x80cm pieces of barkcloth. These will be made into curtains for our dinning room.

I bought this fabric and then found the pattern and thought they would be perfect with my (current) favourite hat!

Atomic giraffes! I love these cotton prints. To be made into 60s playsuit tops

Floral cotton for a skirt

Buttons and another pattern
I had a budget and I had to stick to it unfortunately. I could have easily spent 3 times as much and the fabric I liked was not cheap. But I feel I picked up some excellent pieces and am incredibly happy with my lot. Thank you Mitchell and Bronte Sewing Room for holding this sale.
Oh, and in case you were wondering: No the pushy lady didn’t get in front of me, she did however squeeze in with me instead of going with the 1-in 1-out flow.