Waiting for the stork
I am officially 3 days overdue and officially over it. I had a grizzle to my midwife yesterday and she kindly informed me that the majority of first borns are +7 or +10 days overdue. Gwad help me. We’ve had so many false starts in the last three weeks, plus a preterm labour pains at 34 weeks I was convinced this bub was going to pop out early. Boy, was I wrong.
So while I wait for the stork to arrive, I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay active. SNH is doing his absolute best to keep my shuffling around, however shuffling being the operative word, I am becoming less mobile and walk incredibly slowly (sorry to all the people behind me! I cannot help it.). We’ve tried walking this baby out and a load of other old wives tales but have come to the conclusion that it’ll come out when it’s good and ready, even if it’s mum is an impatient control freak.
So while I sit here and sip raspberry leaf tea (in prep for labour) I thought I would post a few photos of the nursery. It’s shaping up quite nicely. We haven’t crammed it full of stuff (yet) and the shelves are fairly minimal (for us) as we know the room will evolve as baby grows.

Vintage molecule set and essential books

Elephants to carry adventures

Teddy, night light and home crafted golden book bunting

Pirate babushka and pirate book money tin
While fitting out the nursery in the last few months, we struggled to find an appropriate nursing chair. Something that didn’t cost the earth and fit our vintage aesthetic. Who would have thought that was too much of an ask, but apparently it was. The only thing close to what we wanted was a repro Featherston contour chair with a price tag f $1500 (yawza!). So one day after we had given away our old 50s couch/day bed to SNH’s sister, SNH suggested we send the armchairs from the set to a reupholster and use one in baby’s room. Genius!
So from stinky old armchairs that we had hidden in shame they rose like phoenix from the ashes, thanks to Jodi from Maurer & Strange.

BEFORE: stinky old and falling apart

AFTER: Lovely, comfortable and damn good lookin'
Both SNH and I were so impressed by Maurer & Strange, so I want to give Jodi a big plug here. As I dropped the chairs off at her studio there were Parker sets awaiting work and her site shows a lot of mid-century modern reupholstered furniture so I knew we were in good hands. Plus when I picked up the chairs she had her little Staffy dog there and that just sealed the deal (with many Staffy kisses).
So if you need any of your vintage furniture looked after (and I know a lot of you have) I can’t recommend Maurer & Strange enough,