slack arse.
Yes, thats me. Ms Slack Arse. Hi, how ya doin’?
My long weekend (1-3 Oct) in point form behind the cut
– Up early for Doctors appointment (sharp pain in my ear turns out to be pressure fluid in my sinuses thanks to hay fever – HOORAY!)
– Breakfast in Newtown with Bob, French toast with maple syrup and fresh fruit, coffee and the newspaper – perfect.
– Went to Paddy’s markets to look for stuff for Bob, I ended up buying these HUGE sunglasses, very Jackie O. I am in serious love with large sunglasses at the moment. I have 3 pairs and counting!
– Drove to Mosman to an antique shop called Hunters and Collectors to look at their collection of Spotted Diana (SD), which is very large and i have never seen at much SD in one shop before. But i just had to LAUGH… and laugh and laugh! Their prices were so expensive!! $240 for salt and pepper shakers i paid 10 bucks for!! Wheee! Stupids.
– Drove to Manly and wondered around there for a while.
– Went to the Manly Oceanarium! It’s daggy and old but the fish were cool and it was just a really nice thing to do 🙂
– Seeing all those fishies made us hungry, so we went to the fish markets! And got some Salmon steaks.
– Went to Marrickville Metro and bought 3 packets of hair dye, Bleach, Toffee blonde, and Ruby red (just in case). We also got a beautiful bottle of wine – Oyster Bay Sav. Blanc. You CAN NOT go wrong with a New Zealand Sav. Blanc, especially from the Malborough (sp?) region. Treat youself 🙂
– Home for YUMYUMYUM dinner, made by Bob. While i bleached my hair.
I have been dying my own hair, as well as my mums and sisters since i was 13, so i’m experienced and not stupid.. well too stupid anyway, so when things go wrong it puzzles me. I wanted to go caramel/toffee blonde, just because, so i applied the bleach to the length of my hair, not yet the roots, allowed the colour to strip, then applied it to my roots. Unfortunately i haven’t dyed my hair for quite a few months so the bleach on my roots went ZAP! and i had majorly blonde roots, while the length of my hair was the toffee colour i wanted. BUM!
– Watched Gosford Park DVD, to get ideas for 1930’s wedding we’re going to in December
– Bed
– Played with Thorn in the backyard, until Bob came out and said “Babe, your hair looks really bad in the sun.” I was just going to wait till i could get to a hair dress to fix it because at night it didn’t look to bad. So i gave in and dyed it red again. Again it fucked up 😮 The lengths where fine, but the roots were BRIGHT orange/red. Double BUM! I had bright red hair for years and years – see:
But lately I’ve really liked having dark red hair:
So bright red wasn’t what i was looking for.
– Still with bright red hair, we jumped in the car and drove to Cronulla
– Walked along the beach
– Had the most delicious calamari and tar-tare sauce i have EVER had, at a cafe on the beach
– took a drive through the national park to Stanwell tops and had devonshire tea.
– Drove back for a quick nap on the couch then to my parents for sunday roast and watch the footy ball grand final.
– Bed
– Drove poor Bob to work
– Stopped at Burwood westfield mall on the way home and got another packet of dark red hair dye.
– Went home dyed my hair AGAIN and this time it came out PERFECT. I put a moisture mask in my hair and left it alone for the rest of the day.
– Pulled all my 50’s and vintage dresses that needed fixing out of my wardrobe and mended them all. Hems, rips, zippers – THE LOT.
– Sewed up parts of my toy i designed a while ago, now i just need to finish him
– took all my winter jackets and large non-dress items out of my over-stuffed wardrobe and created a make-shift hanging line in the linen cupboard (there’s shelves and hanging space). Now i can easily go through my dresses, and my fragile and super-nice dresses are all in special dress bags as well 🙂
– Bob came home, we went to the movies and saw Serenity. Yay Joss Whedon. BOO horror gore. I went expecting to see a space movie and it ended up being a horror, cannibal movie and scared the absolute shit out of me. I have a thing about zombies and cannibals, they give me the worst nightmares imaginable.
– Bed and nightmares.
And that was my weekend!