Freelance Book Designer

Vegas baby… vegas…

Whoa momma. Bob just found this amazing forum called SketchKult it’s for lowbrow artists. And I am in love.

Speaking of lowbrow art. Bob sold 2 of his paintings this week. 1 to a lady in Chicago and 1 to another lady in London! International Bobby Peru!. These are what he sold:

Big Red (gone to the states)

Guardians (going to the UK)
(no image)

SO exciting! whee! So now he’s thinking more about his new line of tiki paintings, you can view old ones here tikiTiki (that’s his own site) and here Cheeky Tiki, and now he’s thinking of a re-design for his website. And I’m like Ooooh yeah. Because that means work for me! *I* have to redesign and build the damn thing! He just floats about being the adored artist. 😉

Speaking of floating about and adored artists. Bob and I have been working our butts off to help out our friends Belladonnas De Lux (lots of links tonight). They are a burlesque troupe. And i’ve done their Corporate Identity, and business cards. I designed the crest and branding that you can see on their website. And Bob has been painting signs for their acts. Pphhew! sounds easy but it was a lot of hard work! 😉 PLUS I used my contacts at MX (afternoon newspaper by News Ltd) to get a story done on them. So tomorrow as they bump in for their debut at 34B (Oxford St, Darlinghurst) They’ll also be doing a photoshoot for the article. YAY. I’m a big ol’ media whore.

Oh oh oh! I also had a BIG BIG Halloween party last week! And i have REALLY good photos to post. Will upload them on the weekend and post here 😀