rainy and sticky
Last weekend, we ran into our property manager and she said
“oh hi… the owner might be moving back in..”
Us: “huh?..”
Her: “Yeah she’s thinking of moving back into your house.”
Us: *blink*
Her: “Oh no! I’ve ruined your weekend! *laugh*”
Us: “Well yes you have…”
Her: “Don’t worry we have to give you 60 days notice anyway! And she may not move back, she’s just talking about it at the moment.”
GRREEAT! Thanks for just mentioning in passing you may be evicting us.. and may not! I don’t think that would be something you would tell tenants until you were certain. All we could do was laugh.. then get crappy 😉
So we’re talking about buying a house. This requires a lot before we actually go out and buy something, but there you are. We’re thinking about it.
My bosses are all for it, they’re encouraging me to get into the property market at such a young age, which is cool. I’m a scared though.
Thorn had an operation on a lump 10 days ago. Poor doggy had a lumpo under his tail, that wasn’t there when I gave him his annual bath at Xmas, so it was large and had grown quite quickly so had to be removed. But it all shelled out nicely and wasn’t a cancer so I’m happy and so is Thorn, because he got extra love and biscuits for his trouble.
I got 3 bargains on ebay last week – 3 pieces of black/white spotted Diana for just over 30 bucks F**KING BARGAIN!! Plus my mum gave me a beautiful blue Diana casarole dish with lid as a thank you gift for spending a large amount of my (boring) holidays helping her learn Indesign and put together a newsletter. HOORAY for Mum ^_^
Here is a small sample of my spotted Diana collection:
PRETTY!!! No more buying if I want a house though 🙁
I’m going to try and photograph more of my Diana and post it on vintagecolor.
I’d been looking at our house and thinking it’s started to look cluttered, and not in a good way, we were thinking about different display ideas, and moving the tiki bar into another room… Everything is on hold though – Argh! I hate being in limbo. I also don’t want to leave my house, we made it our home and I will miss it. But if we buy then I’ll be able to put as many holes in the walls and a damn well please.