Freelance Book Designer

Cook Islands! At last.

This is part one.

I call it Rarotonga….
(20 images ahead)

Welcome to beautiful Rarotonga. Where it rains with tropical strength then shines like a diamond…

Beautiful colours of Rarotonga
Mountains and jungle in the background
There are two roads on Rarotonga, the main road that runs around the outside and the old road that runs around short way inland. This is the main road.
Outside the Rarotonga Resort and Spa (jungle side)
The other side of the resort (lagoon side) plus YUMMY food.
Get off the roads! I got my Cook Islands bike license and I loved my scooter! (on the old road)
Cocktails and Island night.
The best restaurant on Rarotonga The Tamarin House and a view of town from the bus stop.
Tiki time!

Part two – Aitutaki to come!