Home owner
We bought a house – Yeh!
It’s a 3 bedroom, original 50s redbrick with a garage and it’s perfecto!
YAY mortgage doom – looks like it’s rice and beans for us ^_^
We get the keys sometime in August.
Harry Potter opens next week! I’m so excited, it’s gonna rock so hard. Bob and I will probably continue our HP tradition and stand in some god-awful line to see it on opening night. And then the next week the last book comes out, just warning – no one call me that weekend because I will be holed up devouring it. Yay nerd.
Dear Americans,
Please stop talking about your iPhones. I don’t want to know how great they are, or how well you can sync them to your Mac. I don’t care – actually I do. I’m unbelievably jealous and I want one NOW!!! Jebus, I want to sync my computer calendar and send emails and just generally relish being a Mac nerd.
Please make Steve Jobs release the iPhone in Australia very soon.
Thank you