Freelance Book Designer

Getting ‘post’ it

I am suffering post-pregnancy body image issues.

SNH is suffering through my post-pregnancy body image issues.

I was completely delusional while pregnant, thinking to myself – just think by the end of the year you’ll be back in your old clothes and no more of these maternity bits. What did I think, that miraculously every bit of weight was going to drop off the minute I gave birth? Yes, probably. Well, at least something like that.

Instead, my weight is not budging. As I eat enough food for a small country every day while my body groans for more as I nurse my hungry little bird (he’s big for his age 7.96kg at 4 months!) I think – why can’t my body just use the fat cells it’s sorted for this kind of thing? And I gaze longingly at my lovely 50s wardrobe. Oh, summer dresses your trim bust line and cinched waists cannot come out to play. Did someone say play? Ask the delightful cotton playsuits. No, my large arse firmly replies. All those pretty prints, fancy ruffles and twirling skirts remain in the wardrobe. I admit I have pulled a few things out just to try, well why not, these are my ‘larger size’ items. No dice. In fact the only thing achieved was a large plummet in my already low self-esteem.

Smooth move nimrod.

And let’s face it, even if I could fit in half of my vintage clothing collection, I would still be unable to wear most of it as they are not equipped for breast feeding.

I have resorted to having clothes made for me. My friend Dragna has started her own seamstress business, Outlaw Kitten. She specialises in vintage outfits from original patterns. She has thousands of sewing patterns and crates of lovely fabric. She whipped up the sarong dress (I have worn every time we’ve been out to an event) which she also altered so it was baby feeding friendly. I also got a couple of pairs of 50s style capri pants made, and am planning to get more made as they work very well with vintage inspired modern tops (with stretchy fabric) and my collection of beaded cardigans.

SNH’s xmas gift to me was anything I wanted made from Outlaw Kitten, so I eagerly dragged out my own stash of vintage patterns and fabric and am finally getting this dress set made – with the fabric pictured (you may remember I bought both at the Bronte Sewing Room fabric sale a few years back).

In my seamstress haze of happiness, I dug out more lovely printed fabric – 50s ‘atomic’ style print, geometric patterns and sweet illustrative animal print – which will become playsuit tops or possibly a set like this red one:

Or maybe this jazzy jacket, top and shorts number?


To top off my spare-tyre-blues I am experiencing the delightful joys of post-pregnancy hair loss. After 9 months of little to no hair fall, my luxurious mane has fallen out by the fistful. Leaving me with wispy, crappy locks that make me sad. Along with short little new-growth that cheekily pokes out of my thinned out fringe, and waggles its salt and pepper grey at me. That’s right. I’m going grey. All the new stuff is grey. Not ginger, not brown but white and grey.

My mum tells me she went completely grey when she was my age too. Don’t get me wrong, we have a friend who went grey early and completely rocked the look. But I like being a red-head so I will continue to line the pockets of my colourist.

So, is it time to do something drastic and chop it off? I have had long hair for quite a while and love it to bits. In someways I am like Samson, my power is in my hair and I rely very heavily on well styled tresses to give me that esteem boost (and lovely Wella commercial flick!). Who knows, but it is time that I trotted off to Sterling Salon to discuss the possibilities.