Well hello there.
Erm, so let’s try this again shall we?
Life got in the way of blogging, and once you stop making time to sit down and write you just stop, right?
So what has happened in the last three months?
– I have been very active on Instagram, image blogging @astredcherry
– Archer has gone from a wriggling, grabbing baby to a mobile menace! He is 8 months old and furniture surfing. On friday he grabbed hold of his Ikea wooden jungle gym and used it as a walker and proceeded to march up and down the studio. Much to his amusement and my horror (OH MY GOD he’s walking!) Scary.
– I am back at work, lecturing at Billy Blue College of Design. Which I really love to do.
– I am also back at work freelancing for lovely publishers designing their lovely books – which I adore!
– SNH went to Milan for a couple of weeks for work and I was a single parent for a while. It was a struggle but we got through, thanks to my lovely parents and father-in-law. (Expect a longer post on this and possibly a guest post from Mr Milano himself)
– I got my hair cut short into a bob, which is pretty drastic for me. After having long hair for years and loving it my poor hair suffered dreadfully from the post-preggers shedding and started looking shocking. So off it got chopped and I am loving it. It also means there is a lot less length for the baby to grab and pull.
– Oh and I won two awards at the recent Australian Book Design Awards: Best Designed Tertiary and Further Education book: {Graphic Design} Australian Style Manual (yes MY book * that I created, co-authored and co-designed WON! Was a sweet victory) and Best Designed Children’s Series: Star League. I was overjoyed with the wins. After years of being shortlisted, commended and what-not I finally won, not one but TWO awards in a night. Truly special.
And now I have to save SNH from the baby menace so he can construct more baby-proofing for the studio. Gah! This kid is getting into everything.
* I just wanted to clear something up, a couple of people have asked about recently: {Graphic Design} Australian Style Manual was not self published, it was signed, commissioned and published by McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Yes, I got a real book deal. 😉