Freelance Book Designer

Make do and mend

Years ago we used to have a semi-regular craft group in my circle of friends. A project would be set each meet and we’d learn new crafty skills and produce some neat stuff. The group was called Kaotic Kraft Kuties, it was the brain child of gorgeous lady Gemma Jones, who ran the Melbourne chapter. But was introduced here is Sydney by Miss Gypsy Taylor and run by both of us. Life and busy schedules got in the way and the group stopped meeting.

However craft discussions have regularly been brought up lately so I decided it was time to revive the craft group idea. Changing slightly to Craft Cuties Corner the first meet up was the second Saturday in October at my house. The theme was Make Do and Mend. Obviously inspired by the famous English WW2 propaganda encouraging families to repair and mend what they had because they weren’t going to get anything new because of rations.

This mind-set is present in every vintage-wearing lady I know. It has to be. Old clothes wear out, seams fray, cotton thread rots, buttons fall off, etc… So to make those lovely wardrobes last longer we all need to do a bit of mending now and again.

But who has time these days? Piles of project items and ‘to be mended’ pieces grow and grow. So it was lovely to sit around for an afternoon chatting, eating treats and getting to those neglected projects (I spent the entire time sewing buttons back on tops and cardigans).

It was such a hit, we’ve decided to make it a regular group. So we will make each alternate Craft Cutie Corner meeting a Make Do and Mend crafternoon.