Freelance Book Designer


“A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

Barber shop
This weekend Bub received his first hair cut under the expert scissors of our lovely friend, Tony at Sterling Hairdressing Parlour & Barber Shop. After umming and ahhing for weeks and changing my mind many times I knuckled down and committed to the chop. I loved Bub’s long curls but at the end of each day  running around like a mad thing the soft strawberry curls looked more like a ratty mullet.
So Tony patiently gave Bub a mod hair cut, while he sat on SAH’s lap and one of Tony’s other barbers, Connor held an iPad playing Peppa Pig. Bub was happy and for the most part sat still and neither one of us cried – a miracle!

More photos of this day to come.
My 52 week portrait project

52 a portrait a week link group / Che & Fidel