Freelance Book Designer

Melbourne Part 3

Ok, I know I said this trip was split into two parts, but I ended up splitting it into three! Here is the final installation.

On the way back from Queenscliff we stopped at two of the largest Antique centres I’ve seen in some years. We had to tour them very quickly as Bub wasn’t particularly interested. But I still managed to pick up a confetti lucite set of bracelet, earrings and belt, a vintage biscuit tin with awesome children’s illustrations and a few other bits and bobs.

Our last few days in Melbourne consisted of eating wonderful food, visiting family, going to the zoo (twice!), a little bit of shopping and SAH got to go fishing one evening.

The flight home was nightmarish but we all got through it (2 hour delay, toddler tantrum, lost luggage – thanks Jetstar!).

We returned home on Wednesday and drove straight back into life, I started the new semester of lecturing and a stack of new and exciting cover design briefs and don’t think I’ve come up for air since.