Freelance Book Designer


“A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

Start and finish
The start of the week looked like the first picture. I relaxed my ‘no processed sugars/sweets/lollies before 2 years old’ rule when we met friends for lunch and a much needed catch up. Bub shared in some delicious Gelato Messina (he had raspberry sorbet while SAH and I had the ridiculous FBI scream [vanilla and brown sugar gelato with cinnamon donuts and raspberry jam smashed throughout]). We paid for it later with a bit of toddler sugar mania and a 8.30pm bedtime. Resolve reinstated, no more sugar for him for a while. Poor kid.

The end of the week was not as much fun, after being sent home from Montessori on Thursday with a mild fever, Bub presented with a fever of 40.7ºC at our Doctors on Friday, he was droopy in my arms and could barely keep his eyes open. We were promptly bustled off to hospital where we spent the rest of the day with the poor little guy getting tests, X-rays, not being able to kept down any medicine and refusing all drinks (no matter how much of a ‘treat’ – cordial and most juices are also not on our menu at home). In the end the lovely RPA paediatric Doctors ruled out a lot of possibilities but made no diagnosis and sent us home. The following day Bub was still not well and we once again visited our Doctor who was able to finally diagnose – pharyngitis, horrible thing. Huzzah! We were finally able to treat something and it seems to be working. Phew!

Through all this SAH was terribly unwell himself and was eventually diagnosed with an awful ear infection, so I had two miserable, unwell boys and two days spent  in and out of medical practices. But neither were as miserable as me, as Saturday was my birthday and everything we had planned pampering, hair appointment and relaxing solo lunch on Friday, bit of shopping, a delicious meal at Hartsyard (accompanied by many birthday cocktails)and a yummy birthday cake – was cancelled. And I was severely disappointed.

SAH very sweetly drove us up to Katoomba so I could trawl through a few Antique stores to try to have some birthday fun and even though I found some fabulous 60s raffia hats the weekend was pretty much a bust.

I am so happy to have both boys on the mend now. But I am still a sulking toddler myself over missing out on a birthday.

My 52 week portrait project

52 a portrait a week link group / Che & Fidel