Freelance Book Designer

Growing up

You probably noticed, or maybe not, that I stopped participating in the 52 week project midway through the year. I felt that, as I am a sporadic blogger I was flooding this place with the feature and it wasn’t my intention to have a blog devoted to my kid. As amazing as Little A is, this is still my own acropolis of narcissism.

However I can’t help but look at the photos taken this weekend and think what a long, amazing year it has been so far. Comparing them against the first photo I took for the 52 week project, standing before me in a child, no longer a baby. Competent, intelligent, polite, inquisitive, funny and lovely; my young man.

Slightly water-obsessed and indulged by his Oma, playing in her huge country sink. Lucky the laundry is a wet room.